Saturday, January 5, 2013

Chicago Artist Helps Sick Kids

Artist Ted Margaris in Chicago is able to paint an extremely positive picture of a world that can be very dark at times. A lot of people out there do not think that a good artist can do much to change the world. Chicago is a very large city, but at times many people that live there end up feeling they are all alone. A sick person that has to spend a lot of time in the hospital can certainly feel alone.

He wants to make sure people that are sick do not feel like they are alone. This artist drops off pictures to kids that don't get many visitors in the hospitals, his paintings are meant to keep kids in a positive mindset and to let the kids know that the world cares about them. You do not have to know a person well to care about them, this is a point that Ted makes by dropping off his paintings and takes the time to auction off some of his paintings for charity so kids can get the treatments that they need and not have to worry about the costs of those treatments. There are a lot of people out there who may not be aware of the work that Ted does in the city of Chicago because he doesn't want any publicity or press on the matter.

Ted hopes to be able to create more paintings and get more money for them in the future. The paintings could be used to help combat the homelessness issue within the city of Chicago. The paintings could make enough in the future to help laid off workers be able to make mortgage payments in the future. The mortgage payments are something that have to be dealt with in order to keep people out of poverty. A number of people may want to pay him back, but Ted Margaris only wants those people to be happy.

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